Minggu, 25 Maret 2012



Dani                                                            :         Rina how are you ? Pleased to meet you
Rina                                                             :         Good news I’am fine , how about you ? I am  also delighted to        see you again
Dani                                                            :         I’am also good news , what about your college ? You study where and at what school ?
Rina                                                             :         I was busy with the task assignment , I was in university economics faculty gunadarma . If you study where ?
Dani                                                            :         So yes , I went to Jakarta state university . After graduating from high school so you do not change much
Rina                                                             :         Obviously not transformed , I’am still the first rina
Dani                                                            :         Yes , you are still beautiful
Rina                                                             :         Haha .. you could have , you also remain the same as   that used it still funny
Dani                                                            :         I’am the funny anyway ?
Rina                                                             :         Yes funny make me laugh and hold
Dani                                                            :         Haha .. Hmm holiday I’ll take a holiday to bali would not ?
Rina                                                             :         Of course , I want
Dani                                                            :         Well if you want
Rina                                                             :         I’ll let you let me again
Dani                                                            :         Okay ,then bye Rina
Rina                                                             :         I’ll see you again too

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